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Why the problem was not taken serious start with

Part of the reason that this situation was not taken that serious at its start, is that the government did not know if they had found the worst case or not. If they just assumed someone like Ms. Towns had the worst case scenario, they were still clueless to what they were really dealing with. There were worse situations, residents also lacked knowledge about what was going on, so they might be fine in a few weeks, and that idea sounded great to them.










How it all started

Quayana Towns sat worried about her two-month old daughter at the hospital even after the family had been drinking bottled water for a few months. Ms. Towns remained worried because, before they were drinking Flint’s tap water and her child’s health was still at risk. The lead laced water threatens the children’s growth, behavior, and intelligence. Basically, their brains are still growing and cannot develop properly if they are consuming lead.



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